Tennessee 63rd District GOP Candidate Laurie Cardoza Moore: Top Goals of State Sovereignty, Voter Integrity, and Education

Live from Music Row Monday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Leahy welcomed Laurie Cardoza-Moore from Proclaiming Justice to the Nations to the newsmaker line to discuss her top priorities of voting integrity, education, and state sovereignty.

Leahy: On the newsmaker line, our good friend Laurie Cardoza-Moore, who’s running for the Tennessee House of Representatives in the 63rd district. Good morning, Laurie.

Moore: Good morning, Michael.

Leahy: Now tell our listeners where the 63rd district is.

Moore: It’s basically Concord Road in Brentwood, south to College Grove, and it is everything east, almost everything east, of I-65 to Nolensville.

Leahy: That’s easy to picture in your mind.

Carmichael: Yeah, that is a good description.

Leahy: And it’s a growing area of Williamson County, probably one of the hottest markets in America. Who wouldn’t want to live in that district?

Moore: Yeah, absolutely. Nolensville is one of the fastest-growing areas, just like Spring Hill. They’ve got their problems. But no, it’s beautiful to see and meet people. I have been outdoor knocking and meeting with the citizens of this district and I am proud to report that we have a lot of conservative individuals who have moved into this area from California and other places.

Of course, we have, a lot of the old timers like me. We’ve been in Williamson County, my husband and I, for almost 35 years. Raised our children, our five kids there, and now they are all grown and on their own.

But no, this has been a wonderful place to call home. But unfortunately, there have been some changes over the years. We’ve seen it. We saw it starting 30 years ago, and unfortunately, we are losing control of our state.

One of the biggest issues that I’m running on is education, because we have watched our children be indoctrinated with this propaganda. After COVID, we saw our constitutional freedoms usurped by the federal government when our state legislature should have stood up and said, excuse me, state sovereignty here.

We are not shutting down our businesses, we are not going to shut down our schools. We are not going to force people to mask and vax. And then one of the other biggest issues that has arisen over the last few years is the issue of voting integrity.

And unfortunately, we have a problem in our county, and in our state, for that matter. When we buy machines like Dominion voting machines and ES&S , and we use those as supposedly legitimate sources to vote on? Now, if anybody would just research this issue, they would be outraged to find this information.

We are not being given the opportunity to have our voices heard. And of course, after the 2020 election, I went to Tre Hargett. I said, who approved this? And Tre said, well, we had a research team. I said, well, unfortunately, your research team didn’t Google the information about these companies.

So we’ve got that issue. I am pro-business. I have been running an international pro-Israel organization since 2005. My husband and I have had a film production company in Williamson County since we came here in 1989. So we’ve got a long history in Williamson County.

Leahy: Now, you said something fascinating about going door to door and what you found out from people that you talked to. Now, how hot is it when you’re knocking on the doors, going door to door? That is a lot of commitment, Laurie.

Moore: It is hot out there, let me tell you. But you know what? It’s worth it because when you knock on the door and you talk to people and you ask them if there were three issues that were important to you, what are the top three, and the majority – I’ve only had four people give me back my card.

But the majority of the people were in agreement that education is key, we have to uphold our state sovereignty, and that we’ve got to have voter integrity. Those are the three top issues that we heard about.

Leahy: So you said when you knock on doors, you found of the newcomers, a lot of them come from California. Give us an example of sort of the interaction you’ve had with somebody who recently arrived from California. You knock on their door, they live in the 63rd district in Williamson County. What’s that conversation like?

Moore: Let me just use the West Coast in general because we don’t only have people coming from California, we have people coming from out west as well, from Washington State.

I had a woman who said to me – after speaking at an event, I had a woman who said to me, “I am going to support you, and the reason I’m going to support you is that I believe that you will care as much for my children as you do yours.” And I have a proven track record of that.

I’ve been in the state legislature lobbying for issues, for the unborn, for the issue of education, making sure that our children are not being indoctrinated. And of course, being pro-Israel and supporting the state of Israel and fighting against anti-Semitism in this state.

That’s the kind of comments that I’m hearing from people. I hear people in my speaking events that come from California, they stand up after I’ve spoken, and they tell the rest of the audience, those of you from Tennessee, we did not move here and uproot our whole lives to come here to lose this state. We have got to fight.

They have more passion in their fight than some of the people that have been here the longest. It is the most refreshing thing to see that people are finally rising up and saying, you know what? We have state sovereignty. We have constitutional rights. We want our children educated that way. We do not want them indoctrinated with this woke-ism garbage.

Leahy: Crom Carmichael has a question for you.

Carmichael: Two quick questions. One is the Dominion voting machines have all kinds of controversies. Is there a voting machine that you do think is a good voting machine? That’s one question.

The other is, you want education reform because you don’t like what we have now. What do you want to replace what we have with?

Moore: To answer your first question Crom: Voting machines; the human, person, paper ballots, we have to go back, after what we have just experienced, we have got to go back to the paper ballot.

With regards to education, the first thing that I’m going to do is introduce legislation to cut ties from the federal government and the Department of Education. We should have abolished the Department of Education under Reagan after Jimmy Carter started it, but there hasn’t been one Congress who has been willing to take up this issue and get rid of the Department of Education.

This is where our problems are coming from. The Department of Education on the federal level is giving us all this garbage. Then they dangle these beautiful carrots to the state legislatures, to the governors, to the Department of Education, like here in Tennessee, and we adopt these programs that are failing our children. We have lost two generations of kids. We cannot afford to lose anymore.

Listen to the interview:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.


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2 Thoughts to “Tennessee 63rd District GOP Candidate Laurie Cardoza Moore: Top Goals of State Sovereignty, Voter Integrity, and Education”

  1. B Anderson

    Laurie Cardoza-Moore and Gino Bulso are great candidates. I’m hoping they both win. Their platforms well cover the important issues, especially for the future of my daughters growing up in Williamson County.

  2. Stuart I. Anderson

    There’s your candidate District 63 conservative voters! So many cry and whine about the Republican Party in the General Assembly being so centrist/tepid conservative and scream “RINO’ this and “RINO” that. The time to do something about that is now. In Williamson County its Gino Bulso in District 61 and Laurie Moore in District 63 as our contribution to moving the Republican Party in the General Assembly to the right.
